Arizona 11 votes

Biden is favored to win

Candidate Predicted Vote % Win Prob.
Donald Trump 48.6% 41%
Joe Biden 51.4% 59%

About Arizona

Arizona has three main regions being the northwestern Colorado Plateau, a transition mountainous region, and the southern basin, where most major cities reside. Being on the border, Arizona has an incredibly high proportion of Hispanics, nearly 31.7%. This year, the Democrats are aiming to maintain control of the House majority and Republican Senator Martha McSally is trying to hold on to her Senate seat. Hot button issues in Arizona include education reform, border security, and healthcare. Interestingly, out of all the states, Arizona has the largest percentage of land set aside for Native Americans, leading to a very high 5.3% of Native Americans as well.

Chance of winning over time

We run our model at least once a day. Explore how our prediction has changed over the course of the race.












Nov 3

Oct 12

Demographically similar states

All states

Past Election History

Clinton 45.1% Trump 48.7%
Obama 44.6% Romney 53.7%
Obama 45.1% McCain 53.6%
Kerry 44.4% Bush 54.9%
Gore 44.7% Bush 51%

Recent polls

IpsosLV 11/2
Biden 50.0% Trump 47.0%
Biden 48.0% Trump 47.0%
Biden 50.0% Trump 47.0%
Biden 50.0% Trump 47.0%
AtlasIntelLV 10/31
Biden 48.1% Trump 50.4%
Biden 48.0% Trump 45.9%
Biden 48.4% Trump 46.1%
Data OrbitalLV 10/30
Biden 45.9% Trump 45.3%
Biden 49.0% Trump 43.0%
SSRSRV 10/30
Biden 49.0% Trump 46.0%
Biden 45.0% Trump 49.0%
Biden 48.0% Trump 44.0%
Biden 46.4% Trump 48.9%
IpsosLV 10/27
Biden 47.0% Trump 47.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 46.0%
Y2 AnalyticsLV 10/24
Biden 50.0% Trump 47.0%
Biden 46.2% Trump 46.6%
IpsosLV 10/21
Biden 50.0% Trump 46.0%
Biden 47.0% Trump 48.0%
Biden 48.0% Trump 46.0%
Biden 51.0% Trump 45.0%
RMG ResearchLV 10/19
Biden 47.0% Trump 46.0%
Data OrbitalLV 10/18
Biden 47.1% Trump 41.9%
YouGovLV 10/16
Biden 50.0% Trump 47.0%
IpsosLV 10/14
Biden 49.0% Trump 47.0%
Biden 50.0% Trump 44.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 46.0%
Biden 43.8% Trump 47.8%
Biden 50.0% Trump 47.0%
IpsosLV 10/7
Biden 48.0% Trump 46.0%
Biden 48.0% Trump 45.0%
Biden 47.7% Trump 43.2%
Biden 47.8% Trump 47.9%
Biden 45.8% Trump 44.8%
Biden 51.0% Trump 45.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 41.0%
Biden 45.0% Trump 46.0%
Biden 50.0% Trump 46.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 45.0%
Biden 47.0% Trump 46.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 45.0%
Biden 45.0% Trump 46.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 43.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 47.0%
Biden 53.0% Trump 42.0%
Biden 49.3% Trump 46.6%
IpsosLV 9/16
Biden 47.0% Trump 46.0%
Biden 48.0% Trump 44.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 40.0%
Biden 50.0% Trump 48.0%
YouGovLV 9/11
Biden 47.0% Trump 44.0%
Biden 52.0% Trump 42.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 46.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 45.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 39.0%
Biden 48.1% Trump 49.1%
Biden 52.0% Trump 42.0%
Biden 49.0% Trump 47.0%
Polls consist of LV and RV polls ranked C and above gathered by FiveThirtyEight.